Devil's Slide reopening: June 30 This Half Moon Bay Review article has the details.
Former Devil's Slide status

According to the Half Moon Bay Review, installation of rock fall protection netting is complete. Contractors are in the process of completing drilling on an interlocking weave of 280 30-foot-deep holes in the roadbed. Three layers of holes in five-foot increments are also being drilled into the cliffside below. Number 9 rebar tested to withstand 25,000 pounds of tension will be inserted in the holes to help hold the roadbed in place. The holes will then be filled with grout to create a tight seal.

HMB Review Headlines and Letters[May 24]

HMB Review Headlines and Letters[April 26]

HMB Review Headlines and Letters[April 19]

HMB Review Headlines and Letters [April 12]

HMB Review Headlines and Letters[April 5]

HMB Review Headlines [March 22]

Other news items

material on the tunnel proposal (see below).
"A tunnel will never be built in my lifetime." -- Caltrans spokesman at the MCCC meeting March 21st.
Caltrans meetings for Caltrans Public Notice of a new Environmental Impact Study. Dates and details....
Road not slipping yet, in spite of heavy rain. Caltrans reports holes forming down deep.
Sierra Club offers to drop suit if CalTrans chooses tunnel. CalTrans says they can't be trusted.
Independent group of geologists and engineers recommend tunnel worth investigating. Suggest it may be safest, quickest, and cheapest solution.
CalTrans repairs on Hwy 1 may not be done until Labor Day. Latest storms may cause more delays.
County Commissioners approval of the bypass. Bypass proponents suggest the Commissioners want a bypass. The rest of the story is this: when they voted approval a few years ago, they were presented with only two choices. Choice one -- big bypass. Choice two -- small bypass. No other options (tunnel, MDA, Modified MDA, permanent repair) were offered as choices. Their choice? Small bypass.
HMB Review reports that Anna Eshoo says tunnel funding a possibility to the tune of $100M. Eshoo insists she was misquoted.
Citizen reports tree growing in drainage pipes at the Slide.
Half Moon Bay City Council vote unanimously to recommend the bypass.
Caltrans says Bypass is funded to approx. $70M + inflation.
State Senator Quentin Kopp urges Sierra Club to call it quits.
HMB Councilman insists anti-bypass protesters are being imported from out of the area. Cites a question about location of downtown shopping area by a woman coming out of the Chamber of Commerce informational meeting as evidence.

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