
Subject: Open Space committee meeting

From: (Chuck Kozak)


Reply-To: Midcoast Discussion List <>

Hello all ...

As a follow up to the presentation given at the last Coastal Alliance meeting (2/10/97) by Sue Sheckman of the Mid Peninsula Regional Open Space District, there will be a meeting of interested parties to review information and develope an action plan concerning open space/land trust issues on the coastside.

2pm, Saturday March 8, at my house, 375 7th St in Montara (1.5 blocks up from the Post Office on Main St.) Please RSVP (, 728-8239(hm) 788-0300(wk) so I know how many are coming. And please get in touch if you want to help on this but can't make this first meeting.

This is a working meeting to pool our information and figure out what we need to learn to about these organizations to protect critical open space on the San Mateo Coast. We hope to come out of this process (after a few more meetings, of course) with a body of knowledge on open space protection options that we can begin applying to specific projects of concern. I'll post the info as it accumulates to the midcoast discussion list.

Suggested Agenda:

1) Get clear on our purpose: To develop a body of resources and knowledge that can be applied to the varied situations along the coast where public land acquisition may be applicable: Pacifica Ridges, Montara Mountain, Pillar Point Harbor, South HMB, Ano Neuvo area/Cascade Ranch. etc. We all have our areas of concern where we can apply this knowledge; if we work together it lessens the duplication and opens up possibilities of coordinated effort.

2) Identify relevant open space/land trust/public land organizations, from the federal to the local level: National Trust for Public Land, National Parks, GGNRA, Nature Conservancy, Coastal Conservancy, Sempervirens Fund, State Parks, Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST), Mid-peninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD), County Parks, Pacifica Land Trust, CPR (Moss Beach), Quarry Park (El Granada), Neighbor's Alliance Land Trust (HMB). Any others?

3) For the sake of examples of the range of possibilities, compile a list of possibly acquirable public lands:

Ocean View Farms in Montara, Shaumbacher Trust lands (southern San Pedro/Montara Mountain), Pacifica ridges (other Pacifica properties?), Caltrans "Preferred Alignment" ROW in Montara/Moss Beach, Pillar Point Harbor lands, Cascade Ranch, other South Coast lands, etc ..

4) Committee members pool existing information and contacts on these organizations, and then individuals take on the assignment to investigate further: Area of operation, Methods of funding, Requirements for acquistion. Interest in Coastal Lands, Interaction with other organizations/agencies, etc. Info compiled at later meetings.

That seems like enough work for one day.

Snacks provided. Bring your own brain.

