In this issue:
November 29th: Pacifica's Tunnel Alternative for Highway
1 (PTA-1) meeting in Pacifica.
522-2322 for further information.
Run for the Tunnel!
On the Coast Trail from Miramar to Half Moon Bay,
Overlooking the Ocean and Coastal Mountains
December 3 (Sunday), 9am, Rain or Shine!
5K or 10K Walk/Run in support of the Tunnel Initiative.
Events for all ages. Kid's 200/400/800 meter dash. Awards for top 3 men,
women and kids. Commemorative T-shirt with entraance fee, post-race refreshments!
Preregistration fees: $20 for adults, $10/$5 (withor without T-shirt) for
kids. $25 day of race. Pick up a registration packet at the beach near the
Miramar Beach Restaurant at 8am. All entrants must sign waiver (parent or
Guardian if under 18). For information call Citizens for the Tunnel at (650)
737-1981 or 728-3315.
TUNNEL TIMES is produced monthly by
Save Our Coast / Citizens' Alliance for the Tunnel Solution (SOC / CATS)
PO Box 371296 * Montara, CA 94037
Voice Mail: 650/737-1813 * FAX: 728-2307 *
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