Environmental consultant Gary Deghi describes the permitting process for the bypass.
Caltrans's response to a California Public Records Act request for information. It's a bit light on details. We've crosslinked all of the references for your ease of reading.
Here's a response and information request based on the Caltrans/FHWA FEIS. It details many concerns about the document.
Here's another citizen response to the Caltrans/FHWA FEIS. It details many concerns about the document.
Caltrans has completed their environmental impact statement/report (FEIS). Caltrans included new material (8 pages) on a tunnel alternative. Read all 8 pages on tunnels right here.
Caltrans has released their Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). This Half Moon Bay Review article has the story. Now they say a tunnel will run $127 million (up $7 million from their last estimate), and the bypass freeway is up to $82 million (that's up $13 million in just one week for those keeping score).
Caltrans (FEIS) 8 pages of new material on a tunnel alternative.
The red-legged frog, recently listed as a threatened species. While Caltrans has known about it for over a year, they didn't bother to mention it until a couple of local residents went and took some pictures. That might not be a big deal, except that this resident is listed as a threatened species, and is the principal food of the San Francisco garter snake, already on the endangered list.
Citizens for the Tunnel, Pacificans for the Tunnel Alternative for Hwy 1 (PTA1), and twenty seven environmental groups prefer examining the feasibility of a tunnel to bypass the slide.