Montara Mountain Tunnel

CalTrans wants to build this.

A tunnel can be in place sooner, be safer to drive, and be cheaper to build.

A team of independent geologists and engineers assembled by Supervisors Ted Lempert and Ruben Barrales has concluded that a tunnel could be a workable alternative to CalTrans' inland bypass of Devil's Slide. Citing advances in tunnel technology and recent tunnel projects elsewhere, they estimate that it would take no longer to build than the bypass at a cost of $60 million -- without the negatives of the bypass.
Why a tunnel?
Here are the most commonly asked questions and answers.
[4/25/95] Pacifica City Council votes to request all tunnel info CalTrans has generated since 1974.

[4/4/95] The Board of Supervisors rejected making a request to CalTrans to investigate the feasibility of building a tunnel.
Voting AGAINST: Mary Griffin, Tom Huening, Mike Nevin.
Voting FOR: Ted Lempert, Ruben Barrales.

If you want the Board of Supervisors to have up-to-date options, contact them to show your support for this initiative:

Mary Griffin / Tom Huening / Ted Lempert / Ruben Barrales / Mike Nevin

County Government Center
401 Marshall Street
Redwood City, CA 94053
Tel: 415/363-4653
Fax: 415/363-1916

Your coast -- Your choice

The photograph of the proposed Devil's Slide bypass at Montara Beach and McNee Ranch State Park was created under the direction of a geologist using CalTrans specifications.

Sponsored by concerned coastside citizens, including Citizens for the Tunnel
Voice mail: 415/737-1981 + America OnLine: DEVILSLIDE e-mail

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